AIHA PAT Programs offers renowned proficiency testing to serve those laboratories. AIHA PAT Programs also provides participants an opportunity to improve and refine the analytical skills of their staff, test new methods, or train analysts.

The primary mission of AIHA PAT Programs is to assist participants in pursuing excellence in laboratory services through external quality control program assessment and to promote the practice of proficiency testing both nationally and internationally. Our programs allow an organization to demonstrate the ability to correctly analyze samples of common workplace and environmental contaminants, and are open to all interested laboratories.​

You can view the PAT Programs process and policies here.

AIHA Proficiency Analytical Testing Programs® (AIHA PAT Programs®) offers the following:

  • Bulk Asbestos Proficiency Analytical Testing Program (BAPAT®)
  • Beryllium Proficiency Analytical Testing Program (BePAT®)
  • Environmental Lead Proficiency Analytical Testing Program (ELPAT®)
  • Environmental Microbiology Proficiency Analytical Testing Program (EMPAT®)
  • Industrial Hygiene Proficiency Analytical Testing Program (IHPAT®)

AIHA PAT Programs®, Powering Laboratory Performance®.

Last Updated: 12/2/2024 02:21PM